LinkedIn Insight Landing Page of MHT-CET Test Series - Grad Plus

If you have already purchased this test series, please login and check your profile.

Payment Options

You can pay with following 2 options. Please, go thorugh them and select the preferred way.

Option 1

Pay through UPI, GooglePay, Paytm, PhonePay, Net Banking, Credit/Debit Cards and more.

  1. Click the “Buy Now” button below.
  2. Log into the website/app. If you are not our website user then please register first.
  3. If you have coupon enter it otherwise keep that blank.
  4. Next, click on “Take this Course”.
  5. Payment options secured by Razorpay will be opened. Enter the rquired details and complete the payment.
  6. As soon as your payment is done, the course “MHT-CET Test Series 2025” will be reflected in your profile.
  7. Attempt the tests anytime after that by logging into the website and accessing them from your profile.

Option 2

Assisted by Us

  1. Send the Whatsapp message on a number given below that “I want to buy MHT-CET Test Course”
  2. Our representative (Manish Sir) will contact you and send you the QR code.
  3. You will make payment and send screenshot to us.
  4. Our representative (Manish Sir) will activate the course on your profile and provide you the login details.
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