This course presents “Topic-wise” and “Full Subject” GATE Exam targeted Test Series, for the subject Digital Electronics of Electrical Engineering (EE) branch.
Following are the Exams you will get, once you enroll into the Course. The validity of this Test Series Course is 365 days.
Topics-wise Tests
Number of Tests
Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates
Combinational Circuits and Sequential Circuits
Logic families and A to D converter and microprocessor
Topic-wise tests will consists of Exams containing 15 questions for 30 minutes.
Full Subject-syllabus Tests
Number of Tests
Full Syllabus: Digital Electronics
Full Subject-syllabus Tests will consists of Exams containing 30 questions for 45 minutes.
You can attempt the Exams in any order, but it is strongly recommended to go in the sequence with proper preparation of the topics.