LinkedIn Insight Solutions Q7 - Grad Plus

Solutions Q7

Q 7a) Draw and Explain Maximum mode of 8086 Microprocessor [07 M]

Ans :

In the maximum mode, the 8086 is operated by strapping MN/MC pin to ground.

– In this mode, the processor derives the status signal S2, S1, S0. Another chip called bus controller derives the control signal using status information.

-In maximum mode, there may be more than one micro processor in the system configuration.

-The components in the system are same as minimum mode system.

-The basic function of bus controller chip IC 8288 is to derive control signals likes RD & WR (for memory & I/O devices) DEN, DT/R, ALE using the information by the processor on status lines.

– Bus controller Chip has input lines s2, s1, s0 & clk these inputs to 8288 are driven by CPU.

– It derives the output ALE, DEN, DT/R, MRDC, MWTC, AMWC, IORC, IOWC, AIOWC. The ALE, IOB, CEN, Pine are specially useful for multiprocessor system.

– AEN & IOB are generally grounded CEN pin is usually tied to +5V. The significance of MCE /PDEN output depend upon the status of IOB pin.

-If IOB is grounded, it acts as master cascade enable to control cascade 8259 A, else it acts as peripheral data enable used in the multiple bus configuration.

-INTA pin used to issue two interrupt acknowledge pulse to interrupt controller or to an interrupting device.

-IORC/IOWC are I/O read command & I/O write command signals.

-MRDC, MWTC are memory read command & memory write command signals & may be used as read or write of memory signals.

– All these command signals instruct the for memory to accepts or send data from or to the bus.

-For both of these write command signals, the advanced signal namely AIWOC & AMNTC are available.

-P0, S1, S2 are set at the beginning of bus cycle 8288 bus controller will output a pulses as an the ALE & apply a required signal to its PT/R pin during T1 .

-If reader input is not active before T3 wait state will be inserted between T3 & T4.

Q 7 b) Draw & Explain architecture of 8237 DMA. [06 M]

Ans :

8237 DMA internal block diagram consist of :

-Control Register

-Internal Register

8237 contain three basic block of control logic :

(1) Timing & Control Block :

It generates internal timing and external control signal to 8237.

(2) Program Command Control Block :

It decodes various command given to 8237 by the microprocessor before servicing a DMA request. It also decodes the mode control word, which is used to select the type of DMA during the servicing.

(3) Internal Registers :

8237 Contain 344 bits of internal memory in the form of Registers.


-The Current Address Register holds a 16 bits memory address used for DMA transfer .

-Each channels has its own current address register for this purpose.

-When a byte of data is transferred during a DMA operation, CDP is either incremented or decremented depending on how it is programmed.


-The Current Word court Register program a channel for the number of bytes to transformed during a DMA action.

CR :

-The command Register program the operation of 8237 DMA Controller.

-The Register uses bit position 0 to select the memory DMA transfer mode.

(1) Memory to Memory DMA transfer use DMA channel.

(2) DMA channel 0 to hold the source address.

(3) DMA channel 1 hold the distribution channels.

BA & BWC :

-The base address and base word count register are used when auto-initialization is selected for a channel.

-In auto initialization mode, these register are used to reload the CAR & CWCR after the DMA action is completed.

MR :

-Mode Register Programs the mode of operations for a channel.

-Each channel has its own mode Register selected by bit position 1 & 0 .

BR :

-The bus required Register is used to request a DMA via. Software.


The mark register set / reset set or clears the channel mask.

– If the mask is set, channel is disabled.

-The RESET signals set all this channel mask to disable them.


The mask register clears or set all the masks with one command instead of individual channels, as with the MRSR.

SR :

The status Register shows status of each DMA channel. The TC Bits indicate if the channel has reached its terminal count.

-When the terminal count is reached, the DMA transfer is terminated for most modes of operation.

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