LinkedIn Insight BSc.-Imperative Programming- Mumbai-April 2018 - Grad Plus

BSc.-Imperative Programming- Mumbai-April 2018


Imperative Programming

Semester: 1

[Time: 2 Hours
[ Marks:75]
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 NB:1. All questions are compulsory
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary and state the assumption
3. Answer to the same question must be written together.
4. Numbers to the right indicate marks,
5. Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary
6. Use of Non-programmable calculators is allowed.

Q.1 Attempt any three of the following: (15M)

a) Explain program development cycle with the help of a diagram.

b) What is variable? How does an array variable differ from an ordinary variable?

c) Draw a flowchart for finding the factorial of a number.

d) Name and describe the four basic data types in C.

e) Explain different types of programming languages.

f) What are the three classes of statements in C? Describe the composition of each.


Q. 2) Attempt any three of the following: (15M)

a) Explain the concept of operator precedence and associativity. What are the relative precedence and associability of the arithmetic operators?

b) Compare the gets and puts functions with scanf and printf statements.

c) Describe two different ways to utilize the increment and decrement operators. Explain with example.

d) What is the purpose of the control string in a scan function? Summarize the meaning of the most commonly used conversion characters within the control string of a scan function.

e) Write a C program to find the maximum of two numbers using conditional operators.

f) How putchar and getchar functions are used within a C program? Explain with the help of example.


Q. 3) Attempt any three of the following. (15M)

a) Write the use of break, continue and goto statements.

b) Write a C program to find the sum of natural numbers using a recursive function.

c) Define looping. Compare different types of looping statements.

d) Write a short note on C library functions.

e) Write a C program to check whether the entered number is Armstrong or not.

f) Explain two different ways to pass arguments to a function with the help of example.


Q.4) Attempt any three of the following: (15M)

a) Write the similarities and differences between macros and tum

b) Write a C program the performs addition of two matrices.

c) Compare automatic and external variables.

d) Write the purpose of the most commonly used C preprocessor directives.

e) Write a C program to demonstrate the use of stolen strcpy, strcmp and scat string functions.

f) What is static variable? How it is defined and initialized in a single-file program?


Q. 5) Attempt any three of the following: (15M)

a) Write a short note on array of pointers.

b) Define a structure book containing 3 members called title, author and price. Write a C program that would assign values to the individual members and display the same

c) When transferring one function to another, what is meant by the guest and host function? Explain with help of an example.

d) Write the difference between array and structure.

e) Write a C program addition and subtraction of two pointer variables.

f) Explain how a union can be declared in C and for what kinds of applications are unions useful?


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