LinkedIn Insight BSc.-Soft Skills Development-Mumbai-April 2018 - Grad Plus

BSc.-Soft Skills Development-Mumbai-April 2018


Subject: Soft Skills Development

Semester: 1

(Total Time: 21/4 Hours)
(Total Marks: 75)
N.B. 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate marks.
3) Draw suitable diagrams and illustrations wherever necessary.
4) Mixing of sub-questions is not allowed.


Q.1) Attempt All the Questions.

A) Choose the correct alternative.  (15M)

i) The ___________model emphasises and influences soft skills, interpersonal relationships, empathy, cooperation, and intergroup development
a) Shannon window                       b) Moran’s Window
c) Johari’s window                         d) Hocat

ii) Communication is viewed in stages, which represent thinking, ________________and ____________.
a) encoding, decoding                     b) remembering.decoding
c) decoding remembering               
d) encoding, remembering 

iii) The three components of emotional intelligence viz. recognizing emotions, understanding emotions, and regulating emotions fall into ________________ competencies
a)  professional                                 
b) interpersonal
c) personal                                       
d) non-professional

iv) Applying the _________ thinking hats method to the problems faced in the organisation, can solve them really fast.
a) Six                                                 
b) Seven
c) Five                                               
d) Two

v) WATNA stand for______________  Altemative to a Negotiated Agreement.
a) White                                           
b) Worst
c) Wise                                             
d) Wiser

B) Fill in the blanks. (Choose one from the pool)
[Transcription, Communication, Shorter. Longer, Meeting, Six, Interview, four Blue hat, Red hat ]

1) _________________ is associated with process control, overview, agenda of thinking steps, summaries conclusions, decisions.

2) _______________ is defined as the transfer of information through exchange of speech, messages, signs, visual effects, behaviour etc.

3) _______________ is a purposeful talk between two people,

4) Generally, resumes are_____________ than curriculum vitae.

5) The _______________ Thinking Hats Method was proposed De Bono

C) Explain the following terms in one or two lines.

i) Curriculum Vitae

ii) Scannable Resume

iii) Leadership Traits

iv) Job Enrichment

v) Red Style Negotiation

Q. 2) Attempt the following:  (Any THREE) (15M)

a) Briefly describe the components of Emotional Intelligence.

b) What is 3M Model of Communication? Explain.

c) Technology etiquette is as important as any other protocols, Justify.

d) Write a note on the importance of Non-Verbal cues.

e) What are the characteristics of good Listening? Explain.

f) Why is Emotional Intelligence important in soft skill development?

Q. 3) Attempt the following: (Any THREE) (15M)

a) Differentiate between resume and curriculum vitae.

b) What is meant by cover letter? Highlight its importance.

c) Briefly describe the steps in planning a presentation.

d) Write a note on informal interview and its importance

e) Difference between Group Discussion, Panel Discussion and Debate.

f) Explain what is stress interview?

Q. 4) Attempt the following: (Any THREE) (15M)

a) What is capacity building? List various strategies for capacity building.

b) What are the traits of a good leader? Explain

c) What are the different stages of team building?

d) Highlight the significance of decision-making.

e) Discuss the necessities of negotiation.

f) What are the signs of stress? What are sources of sources?

Q. 5) Attempt the following: (Any THREE )  (15M)

a) Highlight the essential characteristics of email etiquette

b) Write note on Self-awareness as a competency of Emotional Intelligence

c) Write a note on Describe the Autocratic Style of leadership.

d) List and describe about types of tears.

e) Write a note on 4 Ds of Email Decision Making

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