(2½ Hours)
[Total Marks: 75]
N. B.: (1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary and state the assumptions made.
(3) Answers to the same question must be written together.
(4) Numbers to the right indicate marks.
(5) Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary.
(6) Use of Non-programmable calculators is allowed.
Q. 1) Attempt All (Each of 5 marks) (15M)
A) Multiple Choice Questions.
i) In decimal number system base is ____________
a) 8 b) 2 c) 10 d) 16
ii) RISC stands for ________________________
a) Reduced instruction set computer.
b) Reduced instruction set computer.
c) Reference instruction set computer.
d) Reduced in set computer.
iii) If one of the input to an OR gate is high its output will be ______________
a) Medium b) High c )Low d) Moderate
iv) A _________ used in microcomputers to temporarily store data being transmitted to or from a peripheral device.
a) Data register b) MBR c) Index Register d) decimal
v Assembly is called a ________________ programming language.
a) low-level b) high-level c) binary d) decimal
B) Fill in the blanks.
( false, true, adder, peripheral device, half adder, mnemonic, memory buffer register, memory bus register )
i) The output and AND gate is ______________ only when all the inputs are ture.
ii) An _________ is a device that can add two binary digits.
iii) Assembly language uses a _________ to represent each low-level machine instruction or opcode.
iv) MBR stands for ______________
v) Input or output devices that are connected to computer are called _________________
C)Short Answers
i) Define fan-in
ii) What is read and write operation?
iii) Define stack.
iv) Find the equivalent decimal number for octal number 143.
v) What are ALU and CU?
Q. 2) Attempt the following ( Any THREE ) ( Each of 5 Marks ) (15M)
a) Design full adder circuit.
b) Explain the concept of universal gate.
c) With suitable example Octal number system.
d) compare m multiplexer and De-Multiplexer.
e) With the help of neat diagram explain Shift Register.
f) Convert the binary number to decimal number.
i) 1001 ii) 10001110 iii) 10110101
Q. 3) Attempt the following ( Any THREE ) ( Each of 5 Marks ) (15M)
a) Compare machine language and assembly language.
b) Explain following assembler directives:-
c) Explain characteristics of RISC instruction set.
d) With the help of neat diagram explain hardware implementation of Stack.
e) Explain BIg-Endian and Little-Endian Assignments.
f) What is function call? Explain its use in ISA.
Q. 4) Attempt the following ( Any THREE ) ( Each of 5 Marks ) (15M)
a) How data movement and manipulation operations performed using Data Path?
b) List and explain different types of peripheral devices.
c) What is an interrupt? Give example.
d) List and explain with neat diagram main hardware components of Processor.
e) Explain arithmetic, logic, and Load instructions with example.
f) Explain Direct Memory Access.
Q. 5) Attempt the following ( Any THREE ) ( Each of 5 Marks ) (15M)
a) Explain NOR, Exclusive OR, Exclusive NOR gate with truth tables.
b) Convert decimal number 106 to binary and octal form.
c) List and explain different types of Registers.
d) With the help of neat diagram explain Stack Frame.
e) Explain S-R Flip Flop.