(Time: 22 lours)
[Total Marks: 75]
N.B. 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate marks.
3) Illustrations, in-depth answers, and diagrams will be appreciated.
4) Mixing suggestions is not allowed.
Q. 1) Attempt All (Each of 5Marks) (15M)
A) Multiple Choice Questions
i) Public demi software are that software which is available in the public domain and there is ……………..
a) Copyright b) no patent c) no trademark d) no license
ii) GDB stands for ………………….
a) GNU Debugger b) GNU Database
c) GNU Developer d) GNU Design
iii) GPL’ stands for ………………..
a. General public License b) Global Public License
c) GNU public license d) GNU Permissive license
iv) Google Talks an example of…………………..
a) Free software b) Licensed software
c) Shareware Software d) Proprietary software
v) Windows NT is a Licensed operating system based on …………..
a) Microsoft b) Solaris c) IBM d) Sun Microsystems
B) Fill in the blanks.
(Opens source python ID open-source initiative, Linux, Web sites, Mozilla thunderbird, Internet explorer, Sun Microsystems IDE for java, open system interchange, Android, Chrome, operating system software)
i) Eclipse is ________________software
ii) OSI with regards to open-source software stand for_________________.
iii) _____________operating is free open system for PC.
iv) Word press is free, open source software used to create and manage various types of _________________.
v) _____________is free and open source web browser developed by Mozilla foundation.
C) Write Answers in two lines.
i) What is free. BSD?
ii) What is a shared source?
iii) Define the term “free software”
iv) What is a “patent” in open source development?
v) What is containerization?
Q. 2) Attempt the following (Any THREE)(Each of 5Marks) (15M)
a) Compare and mast Of Source vs. closed sources.
b) Explain the concept of Marginal Cost and Zero Marginal Cost with regards to FOSS.
c) Write short water on Open source ethics.
d) Define license? How does license airly to works in the public domain? Explain.
e) Write a note on the following
i) Apache license ii) IGI’L license.
f) Give the importance of open source in government.
Q. 3) Attempt the followings (Any THREE) (Each of 5Marks) (15M)
a) Discuss Apache Web server study in detail.
b) Differentiate between Commercial design practice and free design practice.
c) Write a note on GitHub.
d) Define Open-source hardware. I low hardware can be ‘Open?
e) What is Wikipedia? How to contribute into it? Explain.
f) Explain the following points in Open source teaching;=
i) Meaning
ii) What are learning, Objects?
iii) Where do the Learning objects come from?
Q. 4) Attempt the following (Any THREE) (Each of 5Marks) (15M)
a) What is the Android Operating system? Discuss.
b) Write a short note on LAMP’.
c) Explain in detail the concept of Virtualization.
d) Discuss in detail any two Open souece database technologies.
e) Define the terms: – IDEs Development Tools, Docker, and Programming Language Give examples.
f) What is Linux operating system? Explain its features.
Q. 5) Attempt the following (Any THREE) (Each of 5Marks) (15M)
a) Explain Shared software and Shared source.
b) Write a mole on Open source media.
c) Distinguish between Copyright and Copyleft.
d) With the help of a diagram, explain open source methodology.
e) Define software freedom. What are four degrees of freedom for Free software?