[Total Time: 2 ½ hours.]
[Total Marks: 75]
N.B. 1 Attempt all questions.
2. All questions carry equal marks.
3. Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary.
4. For Q2, Q 3, and 4 attempts A and B OR C and D.80
Q. 1) Do as directed: (Any fifteen) (15M)
1) Define: Life.
2) ____________are the prokaryotes which appear to have diverged from true bacteria very early in evolution.
3) Give cine example of Prokaryotes.
4) Give one example of Gymnosperm.
5) Name anyone fruiting bodies formed in fungi during reproduction.
6) Earthworm belongs to Phylum_______________
7) Give one example of Phylum Platyhelminthes.
8) Give one example of photoautotrophs.
9) Many bacteria possess membrane invaginations in the form of a system of convoluted tubules and vesicle termed as ________________ .
10) The _______________ complex may play a role in the heat resistance of endospore.
11) Light reaction of photosynthesis is takes place in the ______________of the chloroplast.
12) Volutin granules are reserve source for ___________ .
13) Ribosomes are NOT associated with ________________ .
14) Define: Capsid.
15) Give one example of an aerobic spore-forming rod.
16) Define Prophage.
17) Give one example of a Gram-positive bacterium.
18) ______________ is the causative organism for bacillary dysentery.
19) State true or False: HIV is not an example of a retrovirus.
20) Give one example of animal virus.
Q. 2) A) Explain Oparin’s hypothesis of origin of life. (8M)
Q. 2) B) Describe salient features of Algae. (7M)
Q. 2) C) Describe General characteristics of Eubacteria. (8M)
Q. 2) D Discuss the salient features of Phylum Arthropoda. (7M)
Q. 3) A) Elaborate on the structure and functions or Chloroplast: (8M)
Q. 3) B) Discuss the cell wall of Gram-negative bacteria. (7M)
Q. 3) C) Differentiate between a Eukaryotic cell and a Prokaryotic cell. (8M)
Q. 3) D) Explain Phagocytosis with a neat and Iabelfed diagram. (7M)
Q. 4) A) Discuss Adsorption and Penetration events during phage infection. (8M)
Q. 4) B) Elaborate on the one-step multiplication cycle of lytic phages. (7M)
Q. 4) C) What is lysogeny? Explain is a mechanism. (8M)
Q. 4) D) Explain in detail the structure of a phage. (7M)
Q. 5) Write short notes on: (Any three) (15M)
a) Characteristics of Actinomycetes
b) Genetic Diversity
c) Microfilament
d) Structure of a Flagellum
e) General characteristics of Bacterial viruses.