[Time: 2 Hours ]
[Total Marks: 75]
N.B: Please check whether you have got the right question paper
1) Attempt all questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
3) Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary.
Q.1) Do as directed:(any fifteen) (15M)
1) Name any one macronutrient present in plant tissue culture media.
2) Name anyone solidifying agent used in plant tissue culture media:
3) How are metal instruments to be used in plant tissue culture sterilized.
4) Define the term totipotency.
5) State the role of activated charcoal in plant tissue culture media.
6) What is meant by rhizogenesis?
7) Give the optimum pH for plant Tissue culture media.
8) State true or false – Temperature and humidity are maintained in culture room of plant tissue culture laboratory.
9) Explain the term: explant.
10) Explain the term in vivo.
11) Name any one animal cell line.
12) What is cryopreservation?
13) State true or false: MS medium is a common animal tissue culture medium.
14) Name the pH indicators commonly in animal tissue culture media.
15) Name any one barrier of communication.
16) State true or false:-signature is verbal communication.
17) State true or false: Microsoft word is used to write a report of the research paper.
18) State true or False – Bibliography focuses on the materials and methods used in the experimental work.
19) State true or false:- Sign and symbols are modes of non-verbal communication.
20) ________________ is referred as the medium through which the information passes.
(channel, feedback, receiver)
Q. .2) A) What is a callus? Elaborate on a protocol for callus culture. (8M)
B) Explain in detail the design of plant tissue culture laboratory. (7M)
C) Explain the role of phytohormones in plant tissue culture media. (8M)
D) Justify: Micronutrients and vitamins play a crucial role in plant tissue culture media. (7M)
Q. 3) A) Explain the use of CO2 incubator and inverted microscope in animal tissue culture laboratory. (8M)
B) Discuss the applications of animal tissue culture. (7M)
C) Discuss the growth kinetics of an animal cell line with a suitable diagram. (8M)
D) Discuss the physiological and nutritional requirements of an animal cell line. (7M)
Q. 4) A) Discuss the various elements of the communication process. (8M)
B) Explain with examples of verbal communication. (7M)
C) Read the following abstract and answer the following question:
Abstract: The objective of this study was to observe the inhibitory effect of garlic (Allium sativum) against various bacterial strains The aqueous extract of garlic was tested against Escherichia coll Staphylbenicus aureus and Salmonella typhi in results, we found that in the agar cup diffusion method, the aqueous extract gave the same inhibition zone towards E cel and 5. typhi, but no Inhibition zone was observed for S. aureus. The overall result shows that the aqueous extract was most powerful against the pathogenic gram-negative bacteria. This result gives us confidence that the conventional medicinal approach can be used for treating several elements.
i) Give a suitable title to the research work.
ii) Which plant extract and microorganisms were used in the current research work?
iii) What method was employed for the study and what was the result of the study?
iv) Give four keywords for the research work based on the abstract..
D) Explain plagiarism with any two examples.
Q. 5) Write short notes on any three of the following: (15M)
a) Cell theory
b) Laminar airflow
c) Primary animal cell culture
d) Scope of communication
e) Non-verbal communication