LinkedIn Insight BSc. Biotechnology-I: Tissue Culture & Scientific Writing & Communication-Mumbai-November 2018 - Grad Plus

BSc. Biotechnology-I: Tissue Culture & Scientific Writing & Communication-Mumbai-November 2018


Subject: Biotechnology-I: Tissue Culture & Scientific Writing & Communication

Semester: 2

[Total Time: 2½ hours]
[Total Marks: 75 ]
Note: 1) Attempt all questions.
           2) All questions carry equal marks.
           3) Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary.
           4) Ues of log tables and non-programmable calculator is allowed.
           5) For Q.2. Q.3 and Q.4  attempt and B OR C and D. 

Q. 1) Do as directed (Any fifteen) (15M)

1) What meant by this term explant?

2) __________ is in an example of naturally occurring cytokine.

3) Name anyone macronutrient in plant tissue culture media.

4) State true or false
Non-absorbent cotton is used to preparation of plugs in plant tissue culture.

5) State the pore size of HEPA files.

6) Name any one plant tissue culture media.

7) Name any one plant growth regulator used in plant tissue culture media.

8) What is in vitro?

9) Explain the term passaging.

10) Write the conditions of an ideal autoclave cycle.

11) Which microscope is used in an animal tissue culture lab?

12) Which is the indicators used in animal tissue culture media?

13) What is a cell stain?

14) ___________ is r referred as the medium through which the information passes (channel, feedback, receiver)

15) What is Bibliography?

16) What is an oral presentation?

17) State true or false: Review paper summarizes the current state of knowledge of the topic.

18) State true or false: Handshake is an example of non-verbal communication.

19) Give any one physical barrier in communication.

20) Give one example of verbal communication.


Q. 2) A) Enlist and explain my four Micronutrients and Four Macronutrients in media used for plant culture. (8M)

Q. 2) B) How would you design a plant tissue laboratory for your department.  (8M)


Q. 2) C) Explain the principles of callus culture based on following points: (8M)

i) Aseptic preparation of explant
ii)  Nutrient media Selection
iii) incubation of the culture.

Q. 2) D) State the significance of the following instruments/material in Plant Tissue culture. (7M)
i) Microtome
ii) Vaccum pump
iii) Laminar airflow
iv) Membrane filtration system
v) Autoclave
vi) Scalpel
vii) 70% ethanol


Q. 3) A) Enlist and explain the advantages of animal tissue culture. (8M)

Q. 3) B) Discuss the principle, working, and applications of Hot Air Oven. (7M)


Q. 3) C) Explain how you would establish a primary cell culture. (8M)

Q. 3) D) Illustrate the growth kinetics of a typical animal cell culture. (7M)


Q. 4) A) What is communication? Enlist and explain the elements of the communications process. (8M)

Q. 4) B) Discuss the process of scientific writing. (7M)


Q. 4) C) Read the of allowing abstract and answer the following questions. (8M)

Abstract:- the antimicrobial potential of seven extracts from four plants was screened against eight bacteria and two pathogenic fungi, using a micro broth dilution assay. The lowest concentration of the extract, which inhibits any visual microbial growth after treatment with p-iodonitrotetrazolium violet, was considered to be a minimum inhibitory concentration (MLC). Water extracts of Acacia nilouca, Justicia zelanica, Lantana camera, and Saraca asoca exhibited good activity against all the bacteria tested and the MIC was recorded in a range of  9.375 – 37.5 μg/ml and 75.0-300.0 μg/ml against the bacterial and fungal pathogens, respectively.

i) Suggest a suitable title to the research work.

ii) Which are the four plant extracts used for study? Which test cultures were used for the research work?

iii) What is the method used for study? What was the result of the study?

iv) Give four keywords for the research work based on the abstract.

Q. 4) D) What is plagiarism? Give an example? How would you avoid plagiarism? (7M)


Q. 5) Write Short notes on any three of the following. (15M)

a) Totipotency and Cell theory.

b) Auxins in plant tissue culture media.

c) Serum

d)  Trypsinization

e) Non-verbal communication.


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