LinkedIn Insight Applied Physics-I-Mumbai - Grad Plus

Applied Physics-I-Mumbai

Teaching Scheme
Theory : 03 hrs/week
Practical: 01 hrs/week

Examination Scheme
Paper : 60 marks (2 Hrs)
Term Work: 25 marks

Unit 1

Crystal Structure: (7 hours)
Introduction to crystallography; Study of characteristics of unit cell of Diamond, ZnS, NaCl and HCP; Miller indices of crystallographic planes & directions; interplanar spacing; X-ray diffraction and Bragg’s law; Determination of Crystal structure using Bragg’s diffractometer; Frenkel and Schotkey crystal defects; Ionic crystal legancy (3,4,6,8); Liquid crystal phases.

Unit 2

Quantum Mechanics: (9 hours)
Introduction, Wave particle duality; de Broglie wavelength; experimental verification of de Broglie theory; properties of matter waves; wave packet, phase velocity and group velocity; Wave function; Physical interpretation of wave function; Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle; Electron diffraction experiment and Gama ray microscope experiment; Applications of uncertainty principle; Schrodinger’s time dependent wave equation; time independent wave equation; Motion of free particle; Particle trapped in one dimensional infinite potential well.

Unit 3

Semiconductor Physics: (14 hours)
Splitting of energy levels for band formation; Classification of semiconductors(direct & indirect band gap, elemental and compound); Conductivity, mobility, current density (drift & diffusion) in semiconductors(n type and p type); Fermi Dirac distribution function; Fermi energy level in intrinsic & extrinsic semiconductors; effect of impurity concentration and temperature on fermi level; Fermi Level diagram for p-n junction(unbiased, forward bais, reverse bias); Breakdown mechanism (zener&avalanchy), Hall Effect
Applications of semiconductors: Rectifier diode, LED, Zener diode, Photo diode, Photovoltaic cell, BJT, FET, SCR., MOSFET 

Unit 4

Superconductivity: (3 hours)
Introduction, Meissner Effect; Type I and Type II superconductors; BCS Theory (concept of Cooper pair); Josephson effect
Applications of superconductors- SQUID, MAGLEV

Unit 5

Acoustics: (3 hours)
Conditions of good acoustics; Reflection of sound(reverberation and echo); absorption of sound; absorption coefficient; Sabine’s formula; Acoustic Design of a hall; Common Acoustic defects and acoustic materials

Unit 6

Ultrasonics: (3 hours)
Ultrasonic Wave generation; Magnetostriction Oscillator; Piezoelectric Oscillator; Applications of ultrasonic: Eco sounding; NDT; ultrasonic cleaning(cavitation); ultrasonic sensors; Industrial applications of ultrasonic(soldering, welding, cutting, drilling)

Suggested Experiments: (Any five)
1. Study of Diamond, ZnS, NaCl crystal structure.
2. Study of HCP structure.
3. Study of Miller Indices, Plane and direction.
4. Study of Hall Effect.
5. Determination of energy band gap of semiconductor.
6. Study of Ultrasonic Distance Meter.
7. Study of I / V characteristics of Zener diode.
8. Determination of ‘h’ using Photo cell.
9.Study of I / V characteristics of semiconductor diode

The distribution of Term Work marks will be as follows –
1. Attendance (Theory and Practical) : 05 marks
2. Assignments : 10 marks
3. Laboratory work (Experiments and Journal) : 10 marks

Internal Assessment Test: Assessment consists of two class tests of 15 marks each. The first class test is to be conducted when approx. 40% syllabus is completed and second class test when additional 35% syllabus is completed. Duration of each test shall be one hour.

End Semester Theory Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of total 06 questions, each carrying 15 marks.
2. Total 04 questions need to be solved.
3. Question No: 01 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus wherein sub-questions of 2 to 3 marks will be asked.
4. Remaining questions will be randomly selected from all the modules.
5. In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
6. lecture hrs as mentioned in the syllabus.

1. A text book of Engineering Physics-Avadhanulu&Kshirsagar, S.Chand
2. Applied Solid State Physics –Ranikant, Wiley India
3. Solid State Electronic Devices- B. G. Streetman, Prentice Hall Publisher
4. Physics of Semiconductor Devices- S. M. Sze, John Wiley & sons publisher
5. Modern Engineering Physics – Vasudeva, S.Chand
6. Concepts of Modern Physics- ArtherBeiser, Tata McGraw Hill
7. Engineering Physics- V. Rajendran, Tata McGraw Hill
8. Introduction to Solid State Physics- C. Kittle, John Wiley & Sons publisher
9. Engineering Physics-H. K. Malik, McGraw Hill

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