LinkedIn Insight BSc. Biotechnology II: Enzymology, Immunology & Biostatistics | Mumbai-April-2017 - Grad Plus

BSc. Biotechnology II: Enzymology, Immunology & Biostatistics | Mumbai-April-2017


Subject: -BSc. Biotechnology II: Enzymology, Immunology & Biostatistics

Semester: 2

[Total Time: 2½ hours.]
[Total Marks: 75]
Note: Please check whether you have got the right question paper.
1) Attempt all questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
3) Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary.
4) Use of a non-programmable calculator is allowed.

Q. 1) Do as directed: (any fifteen) (15M)

1) The functional unite of an enzymes is called as ____________.
a) Apoenzyme                    b) Holoenzyme                      c) Core-enzyme

2) A plot of reciprocal of velocity versus the reciprocal of substrate concentration which yields a straight line is called as __________________
a) Line Weaver Burk plot    b) Holoenzyme                      c) Ramachandran plot

3) ___________________ is the non-protein part of the enzyme required for enzyme activity.
a) Apoenzyme                    b) Holoenzyme                      c) Co-enzyme

4) James summer first achieved the isolation and crystallization of the enzyme.
a) Urease                            b) Catalase                             c) Amylase

5) ENzymes reduce the ____________ energy to in case the rate of reaction.
a) binding                           b) potential                            c) activation

6) A low ___________ indicated strong affinity between substrate and enzyme.
a) Vmax                               b) Km                                      c) [S]

7) ____________ enzymes have special sites other than active sites for modulators to bind
a) Extracellular                     b) INtracellular                       c) Allosteric

8) Define Innate Immunity.

9) Give the name of the antibody that crosses the placental barrier.

10) Name any one primary lymphoid organ.

11) The acronym HI stands for ___________ .

12) One method of purification of monoclonal antibodies.

13) Anyone category y of traditional vaccines.

14) Compute Mean 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20.

15) ______________ is a positional average.

16) Square of Standard deviation is _____________

17) State true or false. A histogram is a two-dimensional graph.

18) State True or False; the figure obtained by joining vertical bars is known as a frequency polygon.

19) Define-Range.

20) Give the formula to calculate the Coefficient of variance.

Q. 2) a) Enlist the salient features of active site of an enzyme. (8M)

b) Give an account of different classes of enzymes. (7M)


c) Derive the relationship between substrate concentration and enzyme activity. (8M)

d) Give an account of different theories/models of enzyme-substrate complex formation. (7M)

Q. 3) a) Differentiate active and Passive Immunity. (8M)

b) Diagrammatically explain the structure of an antibody/ molecule. (7M)


c) Discuss various classes of immunoglobulins. (8M)

d) Schematically explain the production of monoclonal antibodies. (7M)

Q. 4 a) Define Biostatistics. Discuss the importance of Biostatistics in Biology. (8M)

b) Explain Median and Mode and also compute Median and Mode for the following data.
15,16,17,18,19,20,33,12,56,14,14,11,14,14,14,16,17,18,19,30,34,35,34,14,25 (7M)


c) Computer Standard Deviation for the respiratory rate in 10 cases as follows.
23,22,20,24,16,17,18,19,21,20. (8M)

d) Explain representation of data using Bar graph, Pie charts, and Histogram. (7M)

Q. 5) Write short notes on any three of the following. (15M)

a) Reversible Enzyme Inhibition.

b) Application of enzymes.

c) Anyone techniques of Agglutination.

d) Variance.

e) Data and its types.


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