[Total Time: 2 ½ hours]
[Total Marks: 75]
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N.B 1) Attempt all questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
3) Draw neat le belled diagrams whenever necessary.
4) Use of log tables and non-programmable calculators is allowed.
Q. 1) Do as directed: (Any Fifteen) (15M)
Give one example of each of the following.
1) An unsaturated fatty acid
2) Fibrous protein present in muscle.
3) An Aldosugar
4) An aromatic amino acid
5) An essential fatty acid
6) An epimer of glucose
7) Homeopolysaccaride
Draw structures of the following biomolecules.
8) D-Ribolcose
9) D-Glucose
10) Glycine
11) Palmitic acid
12) Cysteine
13) Phosphatidic acid
Define the following.
14) Nucleic acid
15) Peptide bond
16) Saponification number
17) Osazone
18) renaturation of DNA
19) Central Dogma of molecular biology
20) Zwitterion
Q. 2) a) Define and classify acyl glycerol. give and example for each class. (8M)
b) Explain the terms storage and structural polysaccharide using one example each. (7M)
c) Expmalin the types of bonding present in Maltose and Lactose. Add a note on their significance. (8M)
d) Explain the structure and function of cholesterol. (7M)
Q. 3) a) Discuss functional classification of proteins. (8M)
b) Classify amino acids on the basis of their nutritional requirement of the body. (7M)
c) Give a detailed account of structure and function of nucleotides. (8M)
d) Schematically represent the Edma’s degradation of proteins. (7M)
Q. 4) a) Give a detailed account of structure and function of nucleotides. (8M)
b) Explain the structure of t-RNA using a suitable diagram. (7M)
c) compare and contrast between DNA and RNA. (8M)
d) Explain the structure of mRNA using a suitable diagram. Add a note on its functions. (7M)
Q. 5) Write a short note on (Any three) (15M)
a) Structure and function of any two Glycerophospholipids.
b) Structure and significance of any two unsaturated fatty acid
c) Titration curve of amino acid
d) Complementary base pairing
e) rRNA