[Total Time: 2½ hours.]
[Total Marks: 75]
1 Attempt all questions.
2 All questions carry equal marks.
3 Draw neat labeled diagram wherever Necessary
4 Use of lag tables and non-programmable calculator is allowed.
5 For Q.2, Q.3, and Q.4 attempt A and B OR C D
Q. 1) Do as directed (Any fifteen) (15M)
Define the following terms
1) Reversible process.
2) Isobaric process.
3) Chemical kinetics.
4) Pseudo order reaction.
5) Oxidizing agent.
Fill in the blanks.
6) An ______________ process is a change of a system, in which the temperature remains constant.
7) Unit of rate of reaction is _______________.
8) For a first-order reaction. if t½ is 10 min then K will be ___________ min-1
Balance the equation
9) Mn2+ +CIO3- → MnO2 + CIO2
10) H2SO4 C→ CO2 + SO2 + H2O
State Ture or False
11) In a spontaneous reaction, free energy change is positive.
12) In thermodynamics, ‘Q’ represents the internal energy of the system.
13) Order of a chemical reaction can be zero.
14) Reduction is a gain of electrons.
15) An oxidant undergoes oxidation.
Give one word for the follwoing.
16) A system that does not exchange matter or energy with the surrounding.
17) Relations in which all the reactants are in the same phase.
18) A constant which is equal to the rate of the reaction when concentration of reactant is unity.
19) A molecule that donates electrons.
20) A charged molecule due to presence of extra electrons.
Q. 2) A) Explain the first few of the thermodynamic and state its limitations. (8M)
Q. 2) B) What are the different types of systems? Give one example of each. (7M)
Q. 2) C) What is entropy? List its characteristics and give its sign convention. (8M)
Q. 2) D) Explain the mechanical efficiency of the Carnot’s cycle. (7M)
Q. 3) A) Derive the integrated rate equation for a Second-order reaction with equal concentration of reactants. (8M)
Q. 3) B) Define and explain first-order reaction with the help of an example. (7M)
Q. 3) C) Discuss any one method for determining the rate of the reaction. (8M)
Q. 3) D) Define specific reaction rate. If a first-order reaction is 25% complete in 30 minutes
Calculate the specific reaction rate. (7M)
Q. 4 A Differentiate between oxidizing and reducing agents giving suitable Examples. (8M)
Q. 4) B) What is a substitution reaction? Explain giving suitable examples. (7M)
Q 4) C) What is an oxidation number2 Explain the rules to assign oxidation number. (8M)
Q. 4) D) Explain the steps of balancing redox reactions using ion-electron method, with example. (7M)
Q. 5) Write Short notes on any three of the following. (15M)
a) Types of boundaries
b) Isochoric processes.
c) Molecularity of the reaction
d) Factors affecting a chemical reaction
e) Elimination reactions