LinkedIn Insight BSc. Life Sciences -I: Physiology & Ecology-Mumbai-April 2018 - Grad Plus

BSc. Life Sciences -I: Physiology & Ecology-Mumbai-April 2018


Subject: Life Sciences -I: Physiology & Ecology

Semester: 2

[Total Marks: 75]
[Time: 2x Hours]
N.B: Please check whether you have got the right question papers.
1)Attempt all questions
2) All questions carry equal marks
3) Draw neat labelled diagrams wherever necessary

Q. 1) Do as directed (any fifteen) (15M)

i) What is a food chain?

II) State any one phenomenon by which water enters the atmosphere.

iii) What is a pace maker?

iv) Give the role of salivary amylase in digestion.

v) Name any one state in which supplier exists in the atmosphere.

vi) An example of primary consumer in an ecosystem.

vii) State any one function of cytokinins in plants.

vii) Give the function of calyx of a kidney.

ix) Name the gas evolved during photosynthesis.

X) State any one example of mutualism

Define the following:

xi) Ecosystem

xii) Trophic level

xiii) Photosynthesis

xiv) Micturition

xv) Anaerobic respiration

xvi) Digestion

Fill in the blanks:

xvii)  ___________ is known as the fruit ripening hormone.

xviii) __________  is the biological electron acceptor in Hill’s reaction.

xix) Light reactions of photosynthesis take place in _____________  of the chloroplast.

xx) ____________ is present at the center of the porphyrin ring of chlorophyll.

Q. 2) A) Discuss in detail about non-cyclic electron flow in photosynthesis. (8M) 

B) Elaborate on role of auxins and cytokinins as plant hormones. (7M)


Q. 2) C) Discuss C4  cycle in plants. (8M)

D)  Diagrammatically explain the structure and function of a chloroplast.(7M)

Q. 3) A) Deibive working of human heart. (8M)

B) Elaborate on composition of blood and function of its constituents. (7M)


C) Explain the process of digestion in mammals. (8M)

D) Give an account of structure of haemoglobin and its polymorphism. (7M)

Q. 4) A) Describe Nitrogen cycle in the environment. (8M)

B) Explain commensalism with suitable examples. (7M)


C) Describe in detail the structure of an ecosystem. (8M)

D) Discuss types of ecological pyramids. (7M)

Q. 5) Write short notes on any three of the following. (15M)

a) Oxygen cycle

b) Mills Reaction and its significance

c) Parasitism with examples

d) Structure of Nephron

e) Glomerular filtrate

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