Teaching Scheme
Theory : 04 hrs/week
Practical: 02 hrs/week
Examination Scheme
Paper : 80 marks (2 Hrs)
Term Work: 25 marks
Unit 1
Communication Theory:
Concept and Meaning, Communication cycle, Objectives, Barriers to communication (linguistic and semantic, psychological, physical, mechanical, cultural), Methods of communication (verbal and non-verbal), Networks of communication (formal and informal), Language skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing), Corporate communication: Digital Content Creation.
Unit 2
Business Correspondence:
Principles of Business Correspondence, Parts of a business letter, Formats (Complete block and Modified block), Types of letters: Enquiry, Reply to enquiry, Claim, Adjustment and Sales letter.
Unit 3 (2 hours)
Grammar and Vocabulary:
Common errors, Concord (subject- verb agreement), Pairs of confused words, Lexicon (Enriching vocabulary through one-word substitutes, synonyms, antonyms, etc.)
Unit 4 (2 hours)
Summarization and Comprehension:
Passages to test the analytical skills and expression
Unit 5 (2 hours)
Technical writing :
Techniques to define an object, writing instructions, language exercises based on types of expositions (description of an object, explanation of a process)
Unit 6 (2 hours)
The distribution of Term Work marks will be as follows –
Attendance : 05 marks
Assignments : 20 marks
List of assignments:
1. Communication theory: 02
2. Business Correspondence: 02
3. Grammar and vocabulary: 01
4. Summarization & Comprehension: 01
5. Technical writing: 01
6. ICT enabled communication media: 01
Internal Assessment Test: Assessment consists of two class tests of 10 marks each. The first test should be conducted in the form of a three-minute public speech. The second test should be based on theory and application exercises as mentioned in the syllabus.
End Semester Theory Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of total 06 questions, each carrying 10 marks.
2. Total 04 questions need to be solved.
3. Question No: 01 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus wherein sub-questions of 3 to 5 marks will be asked.
4. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature.( e.g. Suppose Q.2 has part (a) from module 3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3 )
5. In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective lecture hrs as mentioned in the syllabus.
6. The first module (Communication Theory) will carry 40 % weightage.
1. Communication in Organizations by Dalmar Fisher, Jaico Publishing House
2. Communication Skills by Meenakshi Raman & Sangeeta Sharma,
3. Oxford University Press.
4. Business Correspondence & Report-writing by R.C. Sharma& Krishna Mohan, Tata McGrawHill Education.
5. Effective Technical Communication by Ashraf Rizvi, Tata McGraw-Hill.
6. Technical Writing & Professional Communication for non-native speakers of English by Thomas N. Huckin & Leslie A. Olsen, McGraw –Hill.
7. Mastering Communication by Nicky Stanton, Palgrave Master Series
8. www.buisnesscommunicationskills.com
9. www.kcitraing.com
10. www.mindtools.com
11. Journal of Business Communication