Q. 1 – Q. 10 carry one mark each.
Q.1 Bread staling is caused by _.
(A) Caramelisation
(B) Gelatinisation
(C) Retrogradation
(D) Aggregation
Ans: (C) Retrogradation
Q.2 The grades of tea in the increasing order of their leaf size are , and __ .
(A) Souchang, pekoe and orange pekoe
(B) Pekoe, souchang and orange pekoe
(C) Orange pekoe, souchang, and pekoe
(D) Orange pekoe, pekoe, and souchang
Ans: (A) Souchang, pekoe and orange pekoe
Q.3 Fruit juice is being pasteurized in a tubular heat exchanger. The retention time in holding tube of 0.2 m² cross sectional area is 3 seconds. If the flow rate of juice is 0.4 m3 s-1, the length of the holding tube in m, is _ .
Ans: 5.9 : 6.1
Q.4 The oil, which experiences flavor reversion even at the lower peroxide value is _.
(A) Mustard
(B) Soybean
(C) Palm
(D) Sesame
Ans: (B) Soybean
Q.5 80 kg of wheat containing 10 kg of moisture has been dried to a moisture content of 8% wet basis in 3 hours under constant rate period of drying. The drying rate in kg h-1 is _
Ans: 1.3 : 1.4
Q.7 Rigor mortis is caused due to __ .
(A) Unavailability of ATP which is necessary to break the link between actin and myosin
(B) Rupturing of tissue due to unavailability of oxygen
(C) Decrease in body temperature
(D) Breakage of rigid protein molecules in sarcoplasm
Ans: (A) Unavailability of ATP which is necessary to break the link between actin and myosin
Q.8 Oxygen is permeating through an EVOH film of thickness ‘t’ and solubility coefficient ‘S’. If diffusivity of oxygen through the film is ‘D’, then permeability of oxygen through the film will be __
(A) D/t
(B) D/S
(C) D × S
(D) S/D
Ans: (C) D × S
Q.9 Condensing steam is used to heat vegetable oil in a double pipe co-current heat exchanger. If the inlet and outlet temperature of steam are Thi and Tho, and for vegetable oil Tci and Tco respectively, the log mean temperature difference (ΔTLM ) will be _ .
(A) \frac{T_{hi}-T_{co}}{\ln{\displaystyle\frac{T_{hi}-T_{ci}}{T_{hi}-T_{co}}}}
(B) \frac{(T_{ho}-T_{co})-(T_{hi}-T_{co})}{\ln{\displaystyle\frac{T_{ho}-T_{ci}}{T_{ho}-T_{co}}}}
(C) \frac{(T_{hi}-T_{co})-(T_{ho}-T_{ci})}{\ln{\displaystyle\frac{T_{hi}-T_{ci}}{T_{ho}-T_{co}}}}
(D) \frac{T_{co}-T_{ci}}{\ln{\displaystyle\frac{T_{hi}-T_{ci}}{T_{hi}-T_{co}}}}
Ans: (D) \frac{T_{co}-T_{ci}}{\ln{\displaystyle\frac{T_{hi}-T_{ci}}{T_{hi}-T_{co}}}}
Q.10 To produce Blue veined cheese, the curd is inoculated with strains of __.
(A) Propioniobacterium shermanii
(B) Penicilium roqueforti
(C) Pencilium camemberti
(D) Brevibacterium linens
Ans: (B) Penicilium roqueforti
Q. 11 – Q. 20 carry two marks each.
Q.11 Match the food spoilage organisms given in Column I with the associated foods given in Column II
Column I | Column II |
P. Clostridium botulinum | 1. Fish |
Q. Salmonella spp. | 2. Cooked starch foods |
R. Vibrio parahaemolyticus | 3. Meat, egg and poultry |
S. Bacillus cereus | 4. Canned foods |
(A) P-4, Q-3, R-1, S-2
(B) P-3, Q-4, R-2, S-1
(C) P-2, Q-1, R-3, S-4
(D) P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1
Ans: (A) P-4, Q-3, R-1, S-2
Q.12 Fluid is flowing inside a pipe of radius ‘R’ in fully developed laminar flow. If the velocity of the fluid at the centre at a distance ‘L’ is ‘v max’, velocity at radial distance of ¾ (R) will be __times vmax
(A) 9/16
(B) 7/16
(C) 16/9
(D) 16/7
Ans: (B) 7/16
Q.13 The amount of sugar to be added (kg) to 40 kg of mango pulp to increase its total soluble solids from 20% wt. to 65% wt. is __
Ans: 51 : 52
Q.14 a) Assertion: Acidulates are added in soft drinks to provide a buffering action.
r) Reason: Buffers tend to prevent changes in pH and prevent excessive tartness.
Choose the correct answer from the following
(A) Both a) and r) are true but r) is not the correct reason
(B) Both a) and r) are true and r) is the correct reason for a)
(C) a) is true but r) is false
(D) Both a) and r) are false
Ans: (B) Both a) and r) are true and r) is the correct reason for a)
Q.15 The D121 and Z values for C. botulinum spores in canned food are 0.2 min and 10 oC, respectively. Total time required in min, to reduce the spores from 102 to 10-6 at 111 oC is _ .
Ans: 15 : 17
Q.16 In a typical Psychrometric Chart shown below, the processes OP, OQ and OR related to air water vapor mixture are , _ and ___.
(A) Cooling & dehumidification, cooling & humidification, heating & humidification
(B) Cooling & dehumidification, heating & humidification, drying
(C) Heating & humidification, cooling & humidification, cooling & dehumidification
(D) Heating & humidification, cooling & dehumidification, drying
Ans: (C) Heating & humidification, cooling & humidification, cooling & dehumidification
Q.17 Match the enzymes in Column I with their functions in Column II
Column I | Column II |
P. Amylase | 1. Conversion of sucrose to glucose and fructose |
Q. Invertase | 2. Softening of dough |
R. Phosphatase | 3. Effectiveness of pasteurization |
S. Protease | 4. Conversion of starch to maltose |
(A) P-1, Q-2, R-3, S-4
(B) P-4, Q-1, R-3, S-2
(C) P-1, Q-4, R-2, S-3
(D) P-2, Q-4, R-3, S-1
Ans: (B) P-4, Q-1, R-3, S-2
Q.18 Match the terms in Column I with their most appropriate description in Column II
Column I | Column II |
P. Enrichment | 1. Overcome the deficiency of nutrients by mixing of two plant sources |
Q. Fortification | 2. Overcome the deficiency of nutrients from a synthetic source |
R. Supplementation | 3. Restoration of nutrients which are lost during processing |
S. Complementation | 4. Addition of nutrients which may or may not originally present |
(A) P-3, Q-4, R-2, S-1
(B) P-4, Q-3, R-1, S-2
(C) P-1, Q-2, R-3, S-4
(D) P-2, Q-3, R-1, S-4
Ans: (A) P-3, Q-4, R-2, S-1
Q.19 Match the products in Column I with their Original Phase in Column II
Column I | Column II |
P. Milk | 1. Colloidal |
Q. Butter | 2. Solution |
R. Lactose | 3. Water in oil emulsion |
S. Casein | 4. Oil in water emulsion |
(A) P-3, Q-4, R-1, S-2
(B) P-3, Q-4, R-2, S-1
(C) P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1
(D) P-4, Q-3, R-1, S-2
Ans: (C) P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1
Q.20 a) Assertion: Presence of low sulphur containing amino acids makes casein in milk to boil, sterilize and concentrate without coagulation even at higher temperatures.
r) Reason: This is due to the restricted formation of di-sulphide bonds resulting in increased stability. Choose the correct answer from the following
(A)Both a) and r) are true and r) is the correct reason for a)
(B) Both a) and r) are true but r) is not the correct reason for a)
(C) Both a) and r) are false
(D) a) is true but r) is false
Ans: (A)Both a) and r) are true and r) is the correct reason for a)