Teaching Scheme
Lectures: 2 Hours/ Week
Tutorial: 1 Hours / Week
Examination Scheme
T (U) : 40 Marks
T (I) : 10 Marks
Duration of University Exam. : 02 Hours
Unit – I: (10 Hrs)
Fuels: Introduction: Calorific value, Higher and lower calorific value; determination of
calorific value by Bomb and Boy‟s calorimeter; numerical based on calorific value
Solid fuels: significance of proximate and ultimate analysis; numerical (Dulong’s formula)
Composition, properties, advantages, limitations and applications of bio-diesel, LPG, CNG
Non-conventional energy sources: General applications advantages and limitations of non-conventional energy sources.
Rocket propellants: Principle and classification of propellants.
Unit – II: (10 Hrs)
Liquid fuels: fractional distillation of crude petroleum(boiling point wise separation only)
use of gasoline and diesel in internal combustion engine: knocking and chemical constitution
of fuel, Octane and Cetane number, doping agents, fischer-tropsch process for
manufacturing synthetic gasoline; cracking of petroleum-principle, types , catalysts used,
Combustion calculations – Numericals based on combustion calculations for solid, liquid and
gaseous fuels.
Unit – III: (10 Hrs)
Lubricants- Introduction, mechanisms-Hydrodynamic, boundary and extreme pressure lubrication;
Classification-solid, semisolid and liquid lubricants; Biodegradable lubricants-properties, application, advantages and limitations;
Synthetic lubricants-Silicones, Lubricating emulsion; Properties of greases-drop point test
and consistency test;
Properties of liquid lubricants:-Acid value, saponification number, flash
and fire point, viscosity and viscosity index, Aniline point, Cloud and Pour Point, Criteria for
selection of lubricants-IC engine, refrigeration, gear, transformer, steam turbine, delicate
mechanical system.
Unit – IV: (10 Hrs )
Advanced materials
Properties and applications – Biodegradable polymers-polylactic acid (PLA) and
Conducting polymers – polycetylene, polyaniline. Polypyrrole,
Composite materials-introduction, general classification –Particle reinforced , fibre
reinforced, structural and its industrial applications.
Liquid crystal polymers-general properties and application.
Nanomaterials-Definition, nano scale. Carbon nano tubes (CNT)typses and difference
between Single wall NT, Multi wall NT; applications of nanomaterials in medicine,
environment and electronics.
Books Recommended:
Text Books:
1. Text Book of Engineering Chemistry; S.S. Dara, S. Chand and Company Ltd.
New Delhi.
2. Engineering Chemistry: Arti Dixit, Dr. Kirtiwardhan Dixit, Harivansh Prakashan,
3. Textbook of Engineering Chemistry: P.C. Jain and Monica Jain, Dhanpat Rai and
Sons, New Delhi.
4. Textbook of Engineering Chemistry: S.N. Narkhede, R.T. Jadhav, AB. Bhake,
A.U. Zadgaonkar, Das Ganu Prakashan, Nagpur.
5. Applied Chemistry: A.V. Bharati and Walekar, Tech Max Publications, Pune.
Reference Books:
1. A Text book of Engineering Chemistry : Shashi Chawla; Dhanpat Rai & sons, New
2. Chemistry in Engineering : Lloyd a. Munro, Prentice-hall, Inc Nj
3. Chemistry of Advanced Materials : CNR Rao, Rsc Pbl‟
4. Chemistry of Engineering Materials: Robert B Leighou Mc Graw – Hill Book
Company, Inc New York
5. Engineering Materials: Kenneth G Budinski (Prentice – Hall of India)
6. Fuels and Combustion : Amir Circar, Orient Longmans
7. Materials science and engineering an introduction:William D. Callister, (Jr. Wiley
8. Polymer science and technology: Joel R Fried (Prentice- Hall of India)