LinkedIn Insight Analysis of GATE EC Previous Papers for Subject Network Theory

Analysis of GATE EC Previous Papers for Subject Network Theory

Aspiring engineers who are preparing for the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) understand the significance of thorough preparation and comprehensive study resources.

Through a meticulous examination of previous years’ question papers, we aim to provide you with valuable insights, key trends, and effective strategies to excel in Network Theory for your GATE exam.

GATE EC Syllabus for the Subject Network Theory

Circuit Analysis: Node and mesh analysis, superposition, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem, reciprocity.

Sinusoidal steady state analysis: phasors, complex power, maximum power transfer.

Time and frequency domain analysis of linear circuits: RL, RC and RLC circuits, solution of network equations using Laplace transform.

Linear 2-port network parameters, wye-delta transformation.

Analysis of Previous GATE Papers for Network Theory

YearPercentage of Marks
202211 %
202112 %
20205 %
20195 %
20187 %
20175.5 %
20159 %
201411 %
201510 %
Overall Percentage of the Subject in GATE Paper

Recent GATE Paper Questions of Network Theory

The following questions have been asked from Network Theory , in GATE-EC 2023 Paper.

Q. A series RLC circuit has a quality factor Q of 1000 at a center frequency of 106 rad/s. The possible values of R, L and C are

a) R=1 Ω, L=1 μH and C=1 μH

b) R= 0.1 Ω, L=1 μH and C=1 μH

c) R=0.01 Ω, L=1 μH and C=1 μH

d) R=0.001 Ω, L=1 μH and C=1 μH

Q. 2 . In the circuit shown below, the current i flowing through 200 Ω resistor is __ mA (rounded off to two decimal places).

Q.3. For the two port network shown below, the [Y]-parameters is given as [Y] = \frac{1}{100}\begin{bmatrix}2 & -1\\-1 & 4/3\end{bmatrix}

The value of load impedance ZL, in Ω, for maximum power transfer will be _ (rounded off to the nearest integer).

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